Concurrent session 13: Respect at Work

Stream A
Thursday, February 29, 2024


Respect at work involves recognising the worth, contributions, perspectives, and dignity of all individuals regardless of their role, background, or status within an organisation. It is essential for promoting positive relationships at work, enhancing team collaboration, and creating a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals can thrive professionally and personally. Respect is a cornerstone of organisational culture that contributes to employee morale, engagement, and overall organisational success. In this session, we’ll delve into how respect manifests (or not) in daily interactions and how to design successful campaigns to promote accountability and empower employees to address and prevent disrespectful behaviour. Furthermore, we’ll examine the profound impact of integrating principles of manaakitanga into the organisation to contribute to positive experiences for Māori employees, and to promote a respectful culture, overall.
