How do I get from Tauranga Airport to my accommodation?

Tauranga airport is situated between Tauranga and Mount Maunganui.  We are not offering transfers to and from hotels for this workshop.  However, the distance between the airport and the Mount Surf Club is 6.5km with many hotels situated before or near the surf club. 

Local taxis are Tauranga Mount Taxis, www.taurangataxis.co.nz Phone: 0800 829 477

The accommodation options are on the tab of the registration page.  Please note the various motels have walking distances to the surf club.  Please take care to select one that most suits you.  

Can we suggest you book the Mount Maunganui Beachside Holiday Park, its neighbouring to the surf club?

We will be offering pick up and drop off to hotels for those who do not wish to walk.  The van will drive a loop between the Mount Surf club to the Pacific Motor Inn on Maunganui Road.  If you require hotel transportation, please see us on Thursday when registering on site.

What is the dress code for the workshop?
Casual  with comfortable footwear. Please bring togs and towel as the surf is right on the conference venue doorstep.

How do I amend my registration?
Please contact Conference Innovators registration team Diana@conference.nz

What is the weather in the Mount?
March weather  in Mt Maunganui typically ranges from 22° / 14° (C°)